Saturday, October 24, 2009


Happiness is a decision.

It is not a state of being over which we have no control. We are not the victims of our circumstances, but rather we create our circumstances each and every day. We can be more than the sum of our experiences. You will be that example for your daughter or son. This alone can impact the rest of their entire life.

The happiness principle is applicable to all areas of our lives from our job, to our friends, to our relationships with our families. The tricky part is that we must first become student, in order to become teacher. Truly ask yourself if, daily, you are reminded that you have one life, one chance to be happy, one chance to forgive.

This concept is freeing on many levels. If you are concentrated on being happy, you choose not to let the aggravation of piled up dishes set the tone for the evening (not always easy) you will spend with your family. It also releases you from being the person you DON'T want to be.

clipped from BR Parents Magazine


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