Friday, December 9, 2011

Her Christmas List

Here is my sweet Miss Erin's Christmas list...

A DS / Case
A Chalk Board ;)
My Own Garden
Spend the Night at Granny's House
Sleep in Mom's Bed
Sleep in Luke's Bed

I was pretty sure I could pull off most of these. Sleeping in Mom's bed is a tricky one though, especially when Patrick & I take up most of the bed.

So - Erin and I had a deal. After Dad got up and left for work around 6:15, I could get her out of her bed, and lay her with me until it was time to wake up for school.

Today was the day.
As I pulled her spaghetti legs (and kitty) out of the bed and laid her in mine, she said,
"You are the best Mom I ever had."
I was so shocked by her expression of love I had to ask her to repeat it.
"You are the best Mom I ever had."
It was just as sweet the second time she said it.

As she wiggled, twitched, and cuddled her way back to sleep, I excitedly laid awake, like it was Christmas morning for me.


  1. Your post made me cry, it was so sweet. I really do love to read your blog and I am so thankful that my sister has you and her two beautiful grand children, whom she just adores. I love you Goose :) Di

  2. So very sweet. Time just seems to fly by -- and I love way you look for intentional moments with her. You'll remember, she'll remember.

    Blessings to you, and have a wonderful Christmas.

    Rachel @ finding joy
