Monday, February 20, 2012

Why I Love Camping

Having just returned from camping trip number three, which has fortunately improved from camping trip number one - I can't help but reflect...

(que squiggly lines and far off music)

...on some of the reasons why I love camping...

1- We get to wear silly headbanz and play games together.

 2- On rainy camp days, I have time to read!

3- My children create hideouts in the bunks and entertain themselves with no toys at all.

4- And maybe even work on a little school work together.

5- Sweet cuddle time.

6- My wonderful husband who works so hard to get everything set up for us...
and a campfire.

7- Secret agent super spies who appreciate my 007 sound effects.

8- Beautiful scenery and thankfully blue skies.

9- Laundromat trip conversations....

Me: Singing "you don't know a thing about me..." in a voice that would surely shame Kelly Clarkson...

Luke: I know a thing about you.
Me: What do you know?
Luke: I'm not telling.

Erin: I know a thing about you.
Me: What is that?
Erin: You are the best mom ever.

Sigh. Isn't that reason enough?

Monday, February 6, 2012

Mom Of A Certain Age

I suppose the time was sure to come. I am officially old. Four months shy of number 36.

Proof x 3

1- While looking at sale shoes on Friday, I found a pair of black Converse in my size for $10. TEN DOLLARS! They were comfortable. And cute.

Erin was quick to point out that those were teenager shoes. Those kind with the white on the toes. I asked her if she would still go to the store with me if I wore them.
No comment.
To the checkout I go!

2- Erin was choreographing Luke & I on a dance she created.
I had to stand in the back. Behind Luke.
Of course, she clarified TALLER when I teased her about it.

3- I don't really remember what the third instance was. But I remember there was one.
Short term memory loss? That's not a sign of aging, is it?

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas in Pictures - Part 2

Christmas afternoon at Mom's

Christmas in Pictures - Part 1

Friday before Christmas
Aren't they sweet :)

Christmas Eve morning @ home

Friday, December 23, 2011

Fridge Art of the Best Kind

Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Luke's Christmas Program

Does the baby need a blanket to keep Him warm?
I've got a blanket I'll share...

Does the baby need a blanket so the hay won't itch?
I've got a blanket I'll share...

Does the baby need a blanket to help Him sleep?
I've got a blanket I'll share!

I SO love these two fellas :)

Friday, December 9, 2011

Her Christmas List

Here is my sweet Miss Erin's Christmas list...

A DS / Case
A Chalk Board ;)
My Own Garden
Spend the Night at Granny's House
Sleep in Mom's Bed
Sleep in Luke's Bed

I was pretty sure I could pull off most of these. Sleeping in Mom's bed is a tricky one though, especially when Patrick & I take up most of the bed.

So - Erin and I had a deal. After Dad got up and left for work around 6:15, I could get her out of her bed, and lay her with me until it was time to wake up for school.

Today was the day.
As I pulled her spaghetti legs (and kitty) out of the bed and laid her in mine, she said,
"You are the best Mom I ever had."
I was so shocked by her expression of love I had to ask her to repeat it.
"You are the best Mom I ever had."
It was just as sweet the second time she said it.

As she wiggled, twitched, and cuddled her way back to sleep, I excitedly laid awake, like it was Christmas morning for me.