Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Power Of Thankfulness

The scriptures urge believers to maintain a spirit of thanksgiving to God in all circumstances. He doesn't need our thanks, but we desperately need reminders that we are created beings dependent upon our Maker. Acknowledging God as the source of all things frees us from the lie that we won't need Him.

Unfortunately, children are born with a propensity toward discontent. Parents can help their children guard against that propensity by encouraging gratitude and explaining that we give thanks because it...

Makes us rich: The endless pursuit of more creates artificial poverty. The discipline of gratitude, by contrast, brings natural wealth by freeing us from the snare of comparisons and unrealistic expectations.

Cures our bent: According to the apostle Paul, contentment is a discipline we learn, not a feeling we experience. It is impossible to be truly grateful and discontent at the same moment.

Gives us joy:  A major part of joy in life is expressing gratitude to the One who meets our needs. Like helium fills a deflated balloon and lifts it to the heavens, thankfulness connects our spirit to the Source of all joy.

By: Kurt Bruner

Can't we all put this into practice and record one thing we are thankful for each day?

1 comment:

  1. Yes! This is so true, dear friend! I'm giving thanks with you. :)
